Image coming soon

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers'

Oakleaf Hydrangea

Open for in-person shopping and curbside pickup on 4/15. Online orders can be placed in April. We do not ship. Local delivery available once open, see rates for details. Some sizes of this product may not be available until later in the season.

Love hydrangeas but want more of a stand-out in your landscape? This compact hydrangea flowers in graceful pointed clusters which start white before they blush in the summer. The sturdy oak-like foliage further sets it apart, with a handsome fall burgundy. Blooms on old wood.

Secondary Name:
Oakleaf Hydrangea
Plant Type:
Deciduous Shrubs
Hardiness Zone:
North America
Sun Exposure:
Ultimate Plant Height:
HT 36-48"
Ultimate Spread:
SP 48-60"