Baptisia 'Violet Dusk'

False Indigo

Open for in-person shopping and curbside pickup on 4/15. Online orders can be placed in April. We do not ship. Local delivery available once open, see rates for details. Some sizes of this product may not be available until later in the season.

Unique, vase-like habit and light lavender flowers with creamy white keels make this baptisia a superb addition to the garden. Later than other baptisia, its spikes of light flowers will add a lovely color to the late spring garden. Easy to grow and long lived. 

Secondary Name:
False Indigo
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
North East/Great Lakes
Sun Exposure:
Ultimate Plant Height:
HT 36-42"
Ultimate Spread:
SP 36-42"
Questions about our plant sizes and vocabulary? Learn more here.

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